Never Forget...
This post is dedicated to Lynn Angell, one of the 2,996 who perished on September 11, 2001. May God continue to bless her eternal soul.

Right now I sit here in front of my computer, trying to figure out how to eulogize one that I've never met. It's difficult, until you read into their history.
Reading about Lynn Angell those five years ago, I learned she was married to David Angell, one of the creative talents behind the series Wings, and their biggest hit, Frasier. Five years ago, though, that was the only thing about her that I knew.
Five years later, I learned Lynn wasn't one of those typical Hollywood types. She and David were married for 30 years, going through both good and difficult times. She gave both time and money to Hillsides, a Pasadena home for physically and mentally abused children. Being a former librarian, she volunteered time to organize the small library, and anonymously made a donation to turn that library into something much bigger for the children. As an avid reader, I found that to be extremely amazing.
On September 11, 2001, David and Lynn planned to fly to Los Angeles for the upcoming Emmy Awards on American Airlines Flight 11.
As we all tragically know now, that would never happen.....
The question "Where were you on September 11?" is to this generation as "Where were you when JFK was shot?" was to an earlier group. Ask anybody old enough, and they'll give you the answer.
I had just woken up in my dorm room and planned on checking my e-mail before getting breakfast. After logging out, the MSN page looked somewhat smaller. The headline read, "A Sad Day in US History." Thinking there was no significant anniversary that would merit that line, I went back to my room and turned on the TV set, which was on ABC. At that point, I saw the devastation in New York and Peter Jennings saying, almost on the verge of tears, that the Twin Towers were gone.
From what I remember, the campus was filled with sadness, and actually some hysteria. The hysteria was primarily two things: the fact we were close to Lake Superior and there was talk the Great Lakes would be targeted; and that gas prices would skyrocket. I was scared; I was 200 miles away from my family and had nobody to lean on for moral support. It wasn't until Thursday that I was finally able to call my mom and tell her I loved her.
The most vivid memory I have of the aftermath was Saturday the 15th. I went to Mass at the cathedral in Superior, and the place was packed. Mass proceeded as normal for the most part. However, after the closing song the organist played the national anthem. That raised my spirits considerably.
It's almost hard to believe it's been five years since the tragic events occured. Instead of pointing fingers and devising corny theories, we should reflect on those 2,996 individuals who came from all walks of life. We should not reflect on their deaths, but rather their lives.
Somewhere, there may be one or more person who will be inspired by Lynn Angell and the other 2,995 people. It could very well be you or me.
God Bless America.
UPDATE: David Angell is honored by Carly.
For more tributes, visit
The Project 2,996 website

Right now I sit here in front of my computer, trying to figure out how to eulogize one that I've never met. It's difficult, until you read into their history.
Reading about Lynn Angell those five years ago, I learned she was married to David Angell, one of the creative talents behind the series Wings, and their biggest hit, Frasier. Five years ago, though, that was the only thing about her that I knew.
Five years later, I learned Lynn wasn't one of those typical Hollywood types. She and David were married for 30 years, going through both good and difficult times. She gave both time and money to Hillsides, a Pasadena home for physically and mentally abused children. Being a former librarian, she volunteered time to organize the small library, and anonymously made a donation to turn that library into something much bigger for the children. As an avid reader, I found that to be extremely amazing.
On September 11, 2001, David and Lynn planned to fly to Los Angeles for the upcoming Emmy Awards on American Airlines Flight 11.
As we all tragically know now, that would never happen.....
The question "Where were you on September 11?" is to this generation as "Where were you when JFK was shot?" was to an earlier group. Ask anybody old enough, and they'll give you the answer.
I had just woken up in my dorm room and planned on checking my e-mail before getting breakfast. After logging out, the MSN page looked somewhat smaller. The headline read, "A Sad Day in US History." Thinking there was no significant anniversary that would merit that line, I went back to my room and turned on the TV set, which was on ABC. At that point, I saw the devastation in New York and Peter Jennings saying, almost on the verge of tears, that the Twin Towers were gone.
From what I remember, the campus was filled with sadness, and actually some hysteria. The hysteria was primarily two things: the fact we were close to Lake Superior and there was talk the Great Lakes would be targeted; and that gas prices would skyrocket. I was scared; I was 200 miles away from my family and had nobody to lean on for moral support. It wasn't until Thursday that I was finally able to call my mom and tell her I loved her.
The most vivid memory I have of the aftermath was Saturday the 15th. I went to Mass at the cathedral in Superior, and the place was packed. Mass proceeded as normal for the most part. However, after the closing song the organist played the national anthem. That raised my spirits considerably.
It's almost hard to believe it's been five years since the tragic events occured. Instead of pointing fingers and devising corny theories, we should reflect on those 2,996 individuals who came from all walks of life. We should not reflect on their deaths, but rather their lives.
Somewhere, there may be one or more person who will be inspired by Lynn Angell and the other 2,995 people. It could very well be you or me.
God Bless America.
UPDATE: David Angell is honored by Carly.
For more tributes, visit
The Project 2,996 website
At 12:37 AM CDT,
Carly said…
You did an amazing job with this tribute to Lynn Angell. It moved me to tears. She was an amazing woman, and I feel quite honored to have gotten to know her through the research I did on them as a couple. Good job. I am honoring her husband, David Angell, for this project.
All my best, Carly
At 5:18 AM CDT,
Librarian said…
I have linked to your post at LIS news--a site for librarians. Wonderful tribute.
At 12:45 PM CDT,
kateandjona said…
Thank you for remembering Lynn.
At 12:57 AM CDT,
Anonymous said…
simply.......Moving! Thank You & God bless!
At 12:16 AM CDT,
Anonymous said…
This is MY 9/11/01
On this day, it was an anniversary for me and my husband sorta.. I met my husband on 9/11/99, and I called him that day and had sent him a” man-basket”..
On 9/11/01 All the sudden, a girl on the phone and then yelled about an attack on NY. Next thing you know, all the phones were ringing.
I was in a rehab center on 9-11., I have often thought how that will play out when I have grandchildren. But reality is, my sons were in the military IN DUTY that day...and I was terrified. Now I am a senior at UNT, getting a degree in Rehabilitation (working w/people w/ disabilities} and my minor is Alcohol and Drugs Addiction. After I got out of rehab, I saw something that Lynn Angell said and what she supported, and that led me to the degree I am seeking now. Thank you Lynn.
Lynn Angell gave me the reason and the courage to do this.
At 1:30 PM CDT,
Anonymous said…
As someone who actually knew Lynn Angell (she was the librarian at my high school ... and my mentor), I appreciate all the kind words in her honor. She was truly a remarkable, kind and compassionate person.
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